Friday, July 27, 2007

My new job & Cubbies

Hey everyone! It's been awhile since I posted anything. Mainly because I was busy and there wasn't too much going on. Well, I finally got a job. I was really excited because not only was I bored but I really needed to start making some money if I wanted to go back to college. I work for Mountain Hallow Farms in Leeds. I pack eggs. It's not as easy as you probably think. When I first started I thought it would be easy but it's a lot of work!!! We also "candle" which is beeping out the cracked and rotten eggs so they don't get sold. I like it though because the time goes by pretty fast when you're working. It's kind a cool to see the machines and all the work they do just to put eggs in the carton!

I've been teaching the Sunday School hour for cubbies at my church. Cubbies is for two and three year olds. When I first got asked to do it, I wasn't all that excited. I enjoy teaching older kids. But it's been interesting and a lot of fun. Plus my twin nieces are in cubbies so that makes it even better!!! Here's some pictures I've taken of cubbies kids this summer. Hope you enjoy them! The kids are adorable and I love teaching them!


Proud Grandparents said...

Hey Jess,

I enjoy post and the picturs of your cubbies class. You have done well, I'm proud of you! They are going to have a hard time to replace you, not just anybody can do cubbies. I love you! Mom